Whether it’s for solitary pleasure or to spice up your sex life with your partner in Cameroon, we’ve all wanted to walk through the door of a sex shop to discover erotic accessories . For the more shy or those who are afraid of being judged, there are always online sites. Here is a selection of the best sites to buy sex toys in a few clicks in Cameroon and without any judgement.
Number 1: Hédonia, best online sexshop in Cameroon

Hédonia is the most popular online Sexshop in Cameroon and Africa! Discover the best sex toys in Cameroon for you ! We have a wide range of vibrators , dildos and masturbators from top brands like Satisfyer and Fleshlight . Discover, in addition to lubricants and massage oils , our beautiful collection of sexy lingerie . Also check out our BDSM toys for those who want to have a great night out! Hédonia is a reliable online store with more than 10,000 customer reviews .
Number 02: IZIWAY
Iziway – “Quality at the right price in one click” is our slogan and we are in the TOP of the most visited sites in Cameroon. We are proud to offer you almost everything you could possibly need, at exceptional prices.

To make your shopping experience fast and memorable, there are also activities like flash sales, spontaneous promotions, seasonal campaigns etc. with hassle-free delivery, also games like quizzes, treasure hunt etc….
Benefit from free delivery rates depending on the campaign, you can also benefit from low delivery rates, reduced prices and payment on delivery or pre-payment by orange money and Mobile money, a very secure payment solution . Get the best of lifestyle services online. Don’t miss the biggest online sales that take place every year on special dates.
Number 03: Glotelho

GLOTELHO Cameroon, a rainbow of 100% Cameroonian innovative technological skills that repositions online buying and selling in Cameroon.
Number 4: Yoniossa

Yoniossa is an online loveshop specializing in the sale of products for women 100% free. We only select best-selling products, and only toys that you like in order to avoid being a catch-all loveshop. Yoniossa, is primarily aimed at African women, we absolutely wanted to develop a 100% black owned loveshop. We listen to the pleasure of women and mainly African women. In 1 click from the comfort of your couch or your room from Cameroon, Gabon, Ivory Coast

CAMEROONsexshop.com has been created specifically to sell adult products online. We have been selling adult products for over 14 years using conventional methods (selling physically) through shops. After many years of experience in the adult industry, we offer the hottest, newest and best quality products on the market, and with some of the lowest prices on the Internet. Our slogan remains ‘to offer the highest quality for the lowest possible price for adult products’. Our huge stock of over 10,000 adult products includes the largest range of bondage equipment, lingerie and fetish clothing for everybody from beginner to serious fetish players.
LocalHost Digital: La Meilleure Entreprise Web & Digitale en Afrique

L’Agence de Transformation Digitale N°1 LocalHost Digital est à votre disposition pour tous vos projets. Notre Agence Digitale se spécialise dans le Développement et l’intégration de Solutions Digitales pour Entreprises (ERP, CRM, Gestion Commerciale, Solutions Dédiées…), la Création de Sites Web professionnels, le Développement d’Applications Web et Mobiles, le Développement d’applications Métier, le Marketing Digital, ainsi que dans la Création Graphique et la Formation Pratique dans les différents métiers du Numérique. Nous sommes une Entreprise de Transformation Digitale qui se distingue par sa large gamme de services et stratégies créatives, mais surtout par la qualité de nos réalisations. Nous accompagnons et éduquons nos clients pour qu’ils tirent le meilleur profit des solutions que nous bâtissons avec eux.
Nous éditons et intégrons des solutions logicielles conçues pour simplifier et optimiser la gestion de métiers et d’activités spécifiques :
- Logiciels de Gestion Commerciale
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- Logiciel de Gestion d’Hôpitaux
- Logiciel de Gestion d’Hôtels et Auberges

Durrell DONGMO NGOUANET | Directeur de LocalHost Digital
Durrell DONGMO NGOUANET est un jeune Ingénieur diplômé de l’École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé au Cameroun. Passionné par la Transformation Digitale et Spécialiste des Solutions Numériques, Il est attiré par le challenge et la résolution des problèmes des entreprises | Entrepreneur porté sur le futur, il est Fondateur de l’entreprise LocalHost Group SARL et du Centre de Formation aux Métiers du Numérique LocalHost Academy | Il est également Fondateur du Réseau Social Professionnel TheStarterbook, de la Plateforme d’e-commerce Durrell Market, du Réseaux Social Mobile SnapChoice, la Plateforme d’annonces AnnonceFlash et de bien d’autres initiatives dans le Digital.
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