Today, anyone can create a website , but how much does it really cost to design an effective website in Cameroon, which will develop the turnover of your business and make your customers happy?
This guide lists the different types of projects, the associated budgets depending on the type of service provider, as well as the additional costs to be expected. The goal is to show how to manage your budget well when you want to create an efficient and profitable website in Cameroon.
We will discuss in this series of articles three distinct parts:
- How much does a website cost according to its typology?
- How much does a website cost depending on the provider?
- What are the additional costs of a website?
When you ask the question of the cost of a website to any web professional, the answer is always the same: “it depends”. Yes, but it depends on what?
First, it should be understood that the price of a website is calculated mainly in time necessary for its realization.
The more complex your project and require a significant amount of work in terms of design and development, the more expensive your site will be.
Second, the price varies depending on the level of customization you will require for your project.
A site made from an already existing model will not cost the same price as a site designed and developed to measure according to the needs of your project. Depending on your budget, you may have to make concessions.
Third, as with any other service, the type of provider directly affects the price.
If you want a professional result with a high level of standards, complete support and a result that is as close as possible to your needs, you will have to pay the price.
Pay attention to the overly attractive offers that offer “turnkey” websites for a handful of CFA Francs, the result will rarely live up to your expectations …
To find out how much your future website will cost, don’t hesitate to ask for a free estimate of your project.
How much does it cost to create a website?
- Price estimate for the creation of a website
- How much does a onepage website cost?
- What is the price of a showcase website?
- How much does a portal site cost?
- How much does an e-commerce site cost?
- What is the price of a tailor-made website?
L’une des meilleures façons d’illustrer le coût d’un site internet consiste à lister les typologies de projets les plus courants et à leur associer une fourchette de prix.
Ces estimations sont basées sur notre longue expérience et de nombreux projets allant de 75 000 F à plus de 20 millions de FCFA
One of the best ways to illustrate the cost of a website is to list the most common types of projects and associate a price range with them.
These estimates are based on our long experience and many projects ranging from 75,000 F to more than 20 million FCFA
All the budgets indicated below are average estimates based on the minimum and maximum prices charged by the majority of freelancers and web agencies. These price ranges are deliberately very wide to cover as many cases as possible.
If you receive a quote that greatly exceeds these estimates, upwards or downwards, advice: Flee!
L’une des meilleures façons d’illustrer le coût d’un site internet consiste à lister les typologies de projets les plus courants et à leur associer une fourchette de prix.
Ces estimations sont basées sur notre longue expérience et de nombreux projets allant de 75 000 F à plus de 20 millions de FCFA
Tous les budgets indiqués ci-dessous sont des estimations moyennes basées sur les prix minimum et maximum pratiqués par la majorité des freelances et des agences web. Ces fourchettes de prix sont volontairement très larges pour couvrir le plus de cas possibles.
Si vous recevez un devis qui dépasse fortement ces estimations à la hausse, comme à la baisse, un conseil : Fuyez !
Vous avez un projet spécifique en tête?
Quelque soit le projet que vous avez en tête en matière de création de site internet ou d’application mobile au Cameroun, LocalHost vous oriente et vous aide à clarifier vos idées. Vous êtes inquiets au sujet de votre budget? Pas de soucis, LocalHost étudie votre projet gratuitement et vous propose un devis estimatif en 24H
If you are in a hurry or you do not have the courage to read this entire article, here is an infographic and a summary table of the price of a website by type of project.
Infographic: What is the price of a website in Cameroon?
Type of website | Recommended minimum price | Maximum recommended price |
Onepage site | 75,000 FCFA | 150,000 FCFA |
Showcase site | 95,000 FCFA | 300,000 FCFA |
Web portal | 250,000 FCFA | 800,000 FCFA |
Simple e-commerce site | 200,000 FCFA | 1,000,000 FCFA |
E-commerce Marketplace | 600,000 FCFA | 6,000,000 FCFA |
Information Portal / Online Magazine | 300,000 CFA | 1,200,000 FCFA |
Job offers portal | 400,000 FCFA | 2,000,000 FCFA |
E-learning website | 600,000 FCFA | 5,000,000 FCFA |
Tailor-made website | 500,000 FCFA | 10,000,000 FCFA |
Tableau des tarifs de creation de sites web au cameroun
Vous avez un projet spécifique en tête?
Quelque soit le projet que vous avez en tête en matière de création de site internet ou d’application mobile au Cameroun, LocalHost vous oriente et vous aide à clarifier vos idées. Vous êtes inquiets au sujet de votre budget? Pas de soucis, LocalHost étudie votre projet gratuitement et vous propose un devis estimatif en 24H
How much does a onepage website cost ?
An onepage website costs between 75,000 FCFA and 150,000 FCFA
It is a single page website, sometimes called a “landing page”, because Internet users access this single page when they click on a link in an ad or in an email.
Even if these “onepage” sites can be very long and complicated pages, they generally contain little content.
This type of site has a simple objective: to encourage visitors to buy a product, sign up for an offer, fill out a form, call a number or download a file. All the content of the site aims to push the visitor to complete this task.
Because these sites have a simple, clearly identified purpose, they generally minimize the amount of effort required to build them.
This type of site is also suitable if you simply want to have an online presence to reassure your customers by proving your professionalism. Your customers then access your site from an offline source: business card, flyer, document header, etc.
There are many inexpensive solutions on the web for creating this type of site yourself. Going through a freelance provider or an agency, well-defined projects from the start tend to be at the lower end of the range. Sites that require a lot of strategic thinking will cost more, even if they only have one page.
The cost for this type of site can vary between 75,000 FCFA and 150,000 FCFA, depending on the scope of the project and the solution used.
What is the price of a showcase website?
A showcase website costs: between 95,000 FCFA and 300,000 FCFA
This type of website is most common for small businesses.
It generally has less than 20 pages. The types of pages you will see on these sites are:
- Home
- About
- Team
- Mission / Vision
- Services / Products
- Hurry
- Testimonials
- Blog
- News
- Contact
The website is focused on brand promotion, marketing of the company’s services / products and the provision of information such as opening hours or an access map.
As for the onepage site above, the objective is always to encourage the visitor to carry out an action generating income.
This type of site is generally designed using free online website creation software like Strikingly , Wix or Jimdo. It is the ideal solution to create a website and be visible when you have no knowledge or time to learn to code. You can also use a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress . The design and architecture will then be personalized according to the graphic charter and the needs of the company.
The cost for this type of website can vary between 95,000 FCFA and 300,000 FCFA , depending on the solution used and the scope of the project.
How much does a portal site cost?
A portal website costs between 250,000 FCFA and 800,000FCFA
This type of website is most common for medium-sized businesses.
The structure is similar to that of the small business showcase site above, but there are additional needs with more pages of content and / or specific features.
Examples of these additional features could be:
- A members area with connection.
- A resource center with lots of downloadable content.
- Translation into several languages.
- Interactive forms.
- A localization system for resellers or partners.
- A team with many collaborators and detailed profiles.
- Complex services requiring many sub-pages of content.
Mostly, this type of project is carried out on the basis of a content management system like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or Discodery .
The price for this type of site can vary between 250,000 FCFA and 800,000 FCFA , depending on the scope of the project and the features planned.
How much does an e-commerce site cost?
An e-commerce website costs between FCFA 200,000 and FCFA 1,000,000
It can be a simple marketing site with an e-commerce function to sell a small number of simple products or services.
In our experience, it is easier and cheaper to use a solution like WordPress WooCommerce or Prestahop to create an online store.
These solutions are more suitable when you have standard needs in terms of e-commerce that do not require specific functionality.
LocalHost est la meilleure entreprise au Cameroun et en Afrique en matière de sites et applications de e-commerce. Quelque soit votre projet, nous avons une solution à vous proposer
If you have one or more of the following requirements, then this is a more ambitious e-commerce project:
- Advanced management of shipping, accounting, procurement or other support functions.
- A large number of complex products.
- Custom purchasing rules, such as wholesale and retail prices.
- A range of customizable products.
To create a sales site of this type, we recommend that you opt for e-commerce solutions Prestashop or Magento depending on the size of your project.
The costs for this type of website can vary between 200,000 FCFA and 1,000,000 FCFA , depending on the ambition of the project.
What is the price of a tailor-made website in Cameroon?
Estimated price: between 500,000 FCFA and 10,000,000 FCFA
If you are reading this, your project does not fit into a classic category of website.
You probably have a startup project, web service or specific business needs and you want to deploy your activity mainly on the web.
Your project will necessarily require a tailor-made achievement both in terms of design and development.
It is very difficult to plan in terms of budget for this type of project as the features or complexity can be variable.
In this case, the most detailed specifications possible will be your best asset to obtain a realistic cost estimate as close as possible to your needs.
The costs for this specific type of project can vary between 500,000 FCFA and 10,000,000 FCFA
LocalHost Digital: La Meilleure Entreprise Web & Digitale en Afrique

L’Agence de Transformation Digitale N°1 LocalHost Digital est à votre disposition pour tous vos projets. Notre Agence Digitale se spécialise dans le Développement et l’intégration de Solutions Digitales pour Entreprises (ERP, CRM, Gestion Commerciale, Solutions Dédiées…), la Création de Sites Web professionnels, le Développement d’Applications Web et Mobiles, le Développement d’applications Métier, le Marketing Digital, ainsi que dans la Création Graphique et la Formation Pratique dans les différents métiers du Numérique. Nous sommes une Entreprise de Transformation Digitale qui se distingue par sa large gamme de services et stratégies créatives, mais surtout par la qualité de nos réalisations. Nous accompagnons et éduquons nos clients pour qu’ils tirent le meilleur profit des solutions que nous bâtissons avec eux.
Nous éditons et intégrons des solutions logicielles conçues pour simplifier et optimiser la gestion de métiers et d’activités spécifiques :
- Logiciels de Gestion Commerciale
- Logiciel de Gestion de Stock / Entrepôts
- Logiciel de Gestion d’établissements scolaires
- Logiciel de Gestion d’Hôpitaux
- Logiciel de Gestion d’Hôtels et Auberges

Durrell DONGMO NGOUANET | Directeur de LocalHost Digital
Durrell DONGMO NGOUANET est un jeune Ingénieur diplômé de l’École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé au Cameroun. Passionné par la Transformation Digitale et Spécialiste des Solutions Numériques, Il est attiré par le challenge et la résolution des problèmes des entreprises | Entrepreneur porté sur le futur, il est Fondateur de l’entreprise LocalHost Group SARL et du Centre de Formation aux Métiers du Numérique LocalHost Academy | Il est également Fondateur du Réseau Social Professionnel TheStarterbook, de la Plateforme d’e-commerce Durrell Market, du Réseaux Social Mobile SnapChoice, la Plateforme d’annonces AnnonceFlash et de bien d’autres initiatives dans le Digital.
Profitez de la promotion pour lancer votre site web professionnel
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[…] What is the cost of creating a website in Cameroon? […]
[…] What is the cost of creating a website in Cameroon? […]