What is the price of creating a website in Ivory Coast?
Aujourd’hui, tout le monde peut créer un site internet, mais combien cela coûte-t-il vraiment de concevoir un site web efficace en Côte d’ivoire, qui développera le chiffre d’affaire de votre entreprise et fera le bonheur de vos clients ?
Ce guide dresse la liste des différents types de projets, les budgets associés en fonction du type de prestataire, ainsi que les coûts supplémentaires à prévoir. Le but est de montrer comment bien gérer son budget lorsque l’on souhaite créer un site internet efficace et rentable en Côte d’ivoire.
Nous allons aborder dans cette série d’articles trois parties distinctes :
- Combien coûte un site internet en fonction de sa typologie ?
- Combien coûte un site internet en fonction du prestataire ?
- Quels sont les coûts supplémentaire d’un site internet ?
Lorsque vous posez la question du coût d’un site internet à n’importe quel professionnel du web, la réponse est toujours la même : « ça dépend ». Oui, mais ça dépend de quoi ?
Premièrement, il faut bien comprendre que le prix d’un site web se calcule principalement en temps nécessaire à sa réalisation.
Plus votre projet sera complexe et demandera une quantité importante de travail au niveau du design et du développement, plus votre site coûtera cher.
Deuxièmement, le prix varie en fonction du niveau de personnalisation que vous exigerez pour votre projet.
Un site réalisé à partir d’un modèle déjà existant ne coûtera pas le même prix qu’un site conçu et développé sur-mesure selon les besoins de votre projet. Selon votre budget, il faudra peut-être faire des concessions.
Troisièmement, comme pour n’importe quel autre service, le type de prestataire influe directement sur le prix.
Si vous souhaitez un résultat professionnel avec un niveau d’exigence élevé, un accompagnement complet et un résultat au plus proche de vos besoins, il faudra y mettre le prix.
Faites attention aux offres trop alléchantes qui vous proposent des sites internet « clé en main » pour une poignée de Francs CFA, le résultat sera rarement à la hauteur de vos attentes…
To find out how much your future website will cost, do not hesitate to ask for a free estimate of your project.
How much does it cost to create a website?
- Cost estimate for the creation of a website
- How much does a onepage website cost?
- What is the price of a showcase website?
- How much does a portal site cost?
- How much does an e-commerce site cost?
- How much does a custom website cost?
One of the best ways to illustrate the cost of a website is to list the most common types of projects and associate a price range with them.
These estimates are based on our long experience and many projects ranging from 75,000 F to more than 20 million FCFA
All budgets listed below are average estimates based on the minimum and maximum prices charged by the majority of freelancers and web agencies. These price ranges are deliberately very wide to cover as many cases as possible.
If you receive a quote that greatly exceeds these estimates upwards or downwards, a word of advice: Run away!
Vous avez un projet spécifique en tête?
Quelque soit le projet que vous avez en tête en matière de création de site internet ou d’application mobile au Cameroun, LocalHost vous oriente et vous aide à clarifier vos idées. Vous êtes inquiets au sujet de votre budget? Pas de soucis, LocalHost étudie votre projet gratuitement et vous propose un devis estimatif en 24H
If you are in a hurry or you do not have the courage to read this entire article, here is an infographic and a summary table of the price of a website by type of project.
Take advantage of the promotion to launch your professional website
We are specialists in the Creation of Professional Websites with several years of experience serving companies and individuals around the world. Consult our achievements by CLICKING HERE
Some Recent Achievements of LocalHost Digital: Best Web and Digital Agency in Cameroon

LocalHost Digital for the company UN Media

LocalHost Digital for the company PeexPay based in France

LocalHost Digital for L’institut d’Art Oratoire

LocalHost Digital for the company Ever Connect based in Ivory Coast

LocalHost Digital for the company Hachther, Online Payment Solution

LocalHost Digital for Gab’s Shop

LocalHost Digital for the company KTK Deals SARL

LocalHost Digital for the company Alibase based in Chad

LocalHost Digital for the company IDOLE
Infographic: What is the price of a website in Ivory Coast?

Vous avez un projet spécifique en tête?
Quelque soit le projet que vous avez en tête en matière de création de site internet ou d’application mobile au Cameroun, LocalHost vous oriente et vous aide à clarifier vos idées. Vous êtes inquiets au sujet de votre budget? Pas de soucis, LocalHost étudie votre projet gratuitement et vous propose un devis estimatif en 24H
How much does a onepage website cost ?
A onepage website costs between 75,000 FCFA and 150,000 FCFA
It is a single-page website, sometimes referred to as a “landing page” because people come to this single page when they click a link in an ad or email.
Even though these “onepage” sites can be very long and complicated pages, they generally have little content.
This type of site has a simple objective: to encourage the visitor to buy a product, register for an offer, fill out a form, call a number or download a file. All content on the site is intended to push the visitor to complete this task.
Because these sites have a simple and clearly identified purpose, they generally minimize the amount of effort required to build them.
This type of site is also suitable if you simply want to have an online presence to reassure your customers by proving your professionalism. Your customers then access your site from an offline source: business card, flyer, document header, etc.
There are many inexpensive solutions on the web to create this type of site yourself. Going through a freelance provider or an agency, projects that are well defined from the start tend to be at the lower end of the range. Sites that require a lot of strategic thinking will cost more, even if they only have one page.
The cost for this type of site can vary between 75,000 FCFA and 150,000 FCFA, depending on the scope of the project and the solution used.
What is the price of a showcase website?
A showcase website costs: between 95,000 FCFA and 300,000 FCFA
This type of website is most common for small businesses.
It usually has less than 20 pages. The types of pages you will see on these sites are:
- Welcome
- About
- Crew
- Mission/Vision
- Services/Products
- Hurry
- Testimonials
- Blog
- News
- Contact
The website focuses on promoting the brand, marketing the company’s services/products and providing information such as opening hours or an access map.
As for the onepage site above, the objective is always to encourage the visitor to carry out an action generating income.
Ce type de site est généralement conçu en utilisant un logiciel de création de site internet gratuit en ligne comme Strikingly, Wix ou Jimdo. C’est la solution idéale pour créer un site web et être visible lorsque l’on n’a aucune connaissance, ni le temps d’apprendre à coder. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser un système de gestion de contenu (CMS) tel que WordPress. Le design et l’architecture seront alors personnalisés en fonction de la charte graphique et des besoins de l’entreprise.
Le coût pour ce type de site web peut varier entre 95 000 FCFA et 300 000FCFA, selon la solution utilisée et l’ampleur du projet.
Combien coûte un site portail ?
Un site internet portail coûte entre 250 000 FCFA et 800 000FCFA
Ce type de site web est le plus courant pour les entreprises de taille moyenne.
La structure est similaire à celle du site vitrine pour petites entreprises ci-dessus, mais il y a des besoins supplémentaires avec plus de pages de contenu et/ou de fonctionnalités spécifiques.
Des exemples de ces fonctionnalités supplémentaires pourraient être :
- Un espace membres avec connexion.
- Un centre de ressources avec beaucoup de contenus téléchargeables.
- Une traduction en plusieurs langues.
- Des formulaires interactifs.
- Un système de localisation de revendeurs ou de partenaires.
- Une équipe avec de nombreux collaborateurs et des profils détaillés.
- Des services complexes nécessitant de nombreuses sous-pages de contenu.
Majoritairement, ce type de projet est réalisé sur la base d’un système de gestion de contenu comme WordPress, Joomla, Drupal ou Discodery.
Le prix pour ce type de site peut varier entre 250 000 FCFA et 800 000 FCFA, selon la portée du projet et les fonctionnalités prévues.
Combien coûte un site e-commerce ?
Un site internet e-commerce coûte entre 200 000 FCFA et 1 000 000 FCFA
Cela peut être un simple site de marketing avec une fonction de commerce électronique pour vendre un petit nombre de produits simples ou de services.
Dans notre expérience, il est plus facile et moins cher d’utiliser une solution comme WordPress WooCommerce ou Prestahop pour créer une boutique en ligne.
Ces solutions sont plus adaptées lorsque vous avez des besoins standards en terme de commerce électronique qui ne nécessitent pas de fonctionnalités spécifiques.
LocalHost is the best company in Ivory Coast and Africa when it comes to e-commerce sites and applications . Whatever your project, we have a solution to offer you
If you have one or more of the following requirements, then this is a more ambitious e-commerce project:
- Advanced management of shipping, accounting, procurement or other support functions.
- A large number of complex products.
- Custom purchasing rules, such as wholesale and retail pricing.
- A range of customizable products.
To create a sales site of this type, we recommend that you opt for Prestashop or Magento e-commerce solutions depending on the size of your project.
The costs for this type of website can vary between 200,000 FCFA and 1,000,000 FCFA , depending on the ambition of the project.
What is the price of a tailor-made website in Ivory Coast?
Price estimate: between 500,000 FCFA and 10,000,000 FCFA
Si vous lisez ceci, c’est que votre projet ne rentre pas dans une catégorie classique de site internet.
Vous avez sans doute un projet de startup, de service web ou des besoins métiers spécifiques et vous souhaitez déployer votre activité principalement sur le web.
Votre projet nécessitera forcément une réalisation sur-mesure tant au niveau du design que du développement.
Il est très difficile de se projeter en terme de budget pour ce type de projet tant les fonctionnalités ou la complexité peuvent être variables.
Dans ce cas, un cahier des charges le plus détaillé possible sera votre meilleur atout pour obtenir une estimation de coût réaliste au plus proche de votre besoin.
Les coûts pour ce type de projet spécifique peuvent varier entre 500 000 FCFA et 10 000 000 FCFA
LocalHost Digital : Your Web & Digital Agency in Africa

The N°1 Digital Transformation Agency LocalHost Digital is at your disposal for all your projects. Our Digital Agency specializes in the Development and Integration of Digital Solutions for Companies (ERP, CRM, Commercial Management, Dedicated Solutions, etc.), the Creation of Professional Websites , the Development of Web and Mobile Applications , the Development of Business applications, Digital Marketing , as well as in Graphic Design and Practical Training in the various Digital professions . We are a Digital Transformation Company which stands out for its wide range of services and creative strategies, but above all for the quality of our achievements. We support and educate our customers so that they get the most out of the solutions we build with them.
We publish and integrate software solutions designed to simplify and optimize the management of specific businesses and activities:
- Business Management Software
- Stock Management Software / Warehouses
- School Management Software
- Hospital Management Software
- Hotel and Hostel Management Software
- Law Firm Management Software
- Sewing Salon Management Software
- Call Center Management Software
- Freight Business Management Software
- Whatsapp Bulk Messaging Software
- Restaurant Management Software
- Fleet Management Software
- ERP/CRM/HR/Project Management Software
- Medical Analysis Laboratories Management Software

Durrell NGOUANET DONGMO | Promoter of LocalHost Digital
Durrell NGOUANET is a young Engineer graduated from the National Polytechnic School of Yaoundé. Passionate about Digital Transformation and Specialist in Digital Solutions, He is attracted by the challenge and the resolution of business problems | An entrepreneur focused on the future, he is the Founder of the company LocalHost Group SARL and of the Training Center for Digital Professions LocalHost Academy | He is also the Founder of the Professional Social Network TheStarterbook , the Durrell Market e-commerce platform and many other digital initiatives.
Take advantage of the promotion to launch your professional website
We are specialists in the Creation of Professional Websites with several years of experience serving companies and individuals around the world. Consult our achievements by CLICKING HERE
Some Recent Achievements of LocalHost Digital: Best Web and Digital Agency in Cameroon

LocalHost Digital for the company UN Media

LocalHost Digital for the company PeexPay based in France

LocalHost Digital for L’institut d’Art Oratoire

LocalHost Digital for the company Ever Connect based in Ivory Coast

LocalHost Digital for the company Hachther, Online Payment Solution

LocalHost Digital for Gab’s Shop

LocalHost Digital for the company KTK Deals SARL

LocalHost Digital for the company Alibase based in Chad

LocalHost Digital for the company IDOLE
7 website ideas for an online business in Cameroon
Finding good website ideas in Cameroon can be difficult. To make it easier for you, we will present the 7 best opportunities for an online business in Cameroon.
Earning money on the internet in Cameroon is a dream for many people. We have all heard of people who have created big numbers on their websites in Cameroon without doing much work (or so they claim).
However, finding Cameroon website ideas that can actually make money for you as an online business – and realistic explanations of how to get started – can be a challenge.
Here are several porpositions there is a good chance that at least one of them will meet your needs. Here are the Cameroon website ideas we will explore in this article, each of which can be a source of monetization:
- Cameroon Affiliate Blogs
- Small Online Shops in Cameroon Focused on Dropshipping
- Hosting Reseller in Cameroon
- Online learning sites in Cameroon
- Job boards for specific bases
- Service websites
- Websites you can sell
These are all Cameroon website ideas that almost anyone can develop with a few tips. Plus, they can make you money without taking all your time – if you play your cards right. Without further ado, let’s get to work!
Should you start an online business in Cameroon?
You will come across many blog posts containing experiences of people who have made a lot of money for very little online work in Cameroon. These stories – with a few exceptions – are usually gross exaggerations designed to trick you into signing up for expensive online courses or purchasing various tools and solutions.
The truth is that starting an online business in Cameroon is possible for almost anyone, as long as you have two things:
- Time to develop it.
- A little capital to get you started.
Some types of website ideas are more expensive to process, while others require more time and a few require significant investment on both sides.
Take for example affiliate blogs. Setting up a blog from scratch is remarkably cheap these days. You could spend around 20,000F for domain registration in Cameroon , and a shared hosting plan will probably cost you around 5,000F or less per month, depending on the provider you choose.
Apart from this,
You can set up WordPress effortlessly with a robust auto-installer. Then just sign up for affiliate programs and create content.
Of course, it’s also important to understand that it will usually take a few months to see results and if you’re posting new content regularly. As your post library grows, you will get more and more traffic from search engines.
However, many people expect to create one or two articles and make money, then give up when they don’t see immediate results.
We’ll talk more about affiliate blogging in a moment. For now, suffice it to say that all of the Cameroon website ideas that we are going to discuss in the next few sections require a significant investment of time, money, and sometimes both.
If you think you can make these investments, the results may be worth it.
7 Best Website Ideas in Cameroon
Each of the ideas we’ll explore below is a viable side hustle that you can pursue even if you have another primary hustle or job.
Discover the exclusive list of the best digital business ideas to launch in Cameroon and Africa in 2020!!

However, the more time you devote to each, the faster you will see results. With enough effort, you can even adapt them as full-time tasks.
1. Affiliate Blogging

Affiliate blogging in Cameroon is often very competitive because you only make money if you can generate sales.
We’ve already talked a bit about affiliate blogging, but let’s take things from the top. Affiliate websites use targeted content to promote products or services that may be of interest to their visitors. Then they get a discount for every sale made from the manufacturers or distributors of those products.
Take Amazon, for example. It runs the most popular affiliate program online and if you sign up with this program you will get paid for every sale made after someone clicks on one of your affiliate links.
For example, if someone is looking for a new lawn mower, they might come across an article where you wrote titled “ 10 Best Lawn Mowers in 2020 ”. When they follow an affiliate link in this article and buy a lawn mower (or anything else from the same site), you get paid.
The concept of affiliate blogging in Cameroon is simple.
However, it has become so popular that creating a blog that can compete requires more work than before. Nevertheless, it is very possible to make it a productive secondary activity. This is a very scalable option since you can just post new posts as you have time to write them. If you have the patience, your affiliate blog can eventually grow to earn you a respectable income, making it one of the best website ideas to follow.
With that in mind, here are some tips you need to consider if you want to get into affiliate blogging:
- Focus on a specific area. For example, you might want to specialize in orthopedic footwear rather than general footwear, so as to appeal to a targeted audience. Ideally, the chosen domain will be something you already know.
- Research the best affiliate programs for your base. Some bases have their own affiliate programs, which can earn more than platforms like Amazon. In other words, doing your research before signing up can lead to bigger profits in the long run.
- Set a content schedule and stick to it. Once you make blogging part of your routine, it will be easier to stick with it. Additionally, posting regular content increases the chances of your site becoming profitable.
If affiliate blogging sounds familiar, then you might need to follow a guide on how to start a blog .
Also, keep in mind that once your blog starts making money, you might want to hire more people to help you create content and scale your site.
2. Small Online Shops in Cameroon Focused on Dropshipping

A large number of online stores in Cameroon do not deliver the items themselves, but rely on basic shippers.
Creating an online store in Cameroon is more complicated than creating a blog, as you can imagine. However, technical aside, the real problem with running an online store as a side business is that processing inventory and shipping takes a lot of time. If you’re selling products that you make yourself, then you’re dealing with the type of operation that can take over your entire schedule.
With this in mind, drop shipping is one of the best website ideas if you want to run an online store that you can run as a side business. With dropshipping, you make the sale and then someone else ships the product. They pocket most of the money and you keep a discount in exchange for the sale.
From your customers’ perspective.
They buy from you and always get their items as they expected. The advantage is that you don’t have to deal with shipping, inventory and customer support.
In other words, you can focus solely on increasing traffic and optimizing your conversions. You’ll also get less revenue from each item, but it can often be worth the tradeoff.
If you are interested in setting up a dropshipping store in Cameroon, we recommend using WordPress with WooCommerce. Also, keep these two tips in mind:
- Focus on a specific area. Just like with affiliate blogs in Cameroon, it is easier to attract traffic for basic products than trying to sell dozens of different types of products.
- Look for dropshipping partners with an exceptional reputation. Products should arrive to your buyers on time and in good condition, so that you don’t get a bad reputation. Therefore, you will need to choose your suppliers carefully .
As your Cameroon online store begins to grow, you may want to consider adding more products to your catalog. At some point, you might even want to ship some items yourself, if you want to switch to online sales as a full-time business. It’s up to you to redirect your online store .
3. Resell web hosting in Cameroon

Reselling accommodation in Cameroon is another great way to generate solid income. Especially if you are familiar with website development.
The basic idea is to rent server space and use it to create your own web hosting plans.
If you plan to build websites for a living, reselling hosting is a great way to offer additional services to your customers.
4. Online learning websites in Cameroon (e-learning)

If you are an expert on a subject, you can make money online in Cameroon by teaching it to others online.
One of the best things about the internet is how it lets you learn something. If you want to learn how to create a website , there are thousands of guides on how to do it. The same can be said for more practical topics, such as how to fix a lawn mower or boil an egg perfectly.
In some cases, however, the best learning materials lie behind paywalls. This makes sense, because well-paid educators are more likely to want to teach you how to do things right. So if you’re particularly proficient in a subject or activity that people might want to learn, you have the opportunity to benefit from it.
Imagine, for example, that you want to teach people how to create a website with WordPress in Cameroon . You can use it as a base and then develop courses on how to monetize your blog, work on search engine optimization (SEO) , etc. The more value you can offer your students, the more likely they are to pay you over choosing free guides.
For it,

You will need a website and a way to sell content online and process payments. Although there are a number of tools that will allow you to sell online courses, one of the easiest methods is to use WooCommerce and a dedicated extension such as Sensei :
Keep in mind that like with affiliate blogging in Cameroon, you will have to work to attract traffic if you want to make your website profitable . What a lot of people do is release content for free on a regular basis, which is a smart way to view your site. Once the traffic comes in, you can sell them as perks for your premium courses and earn money.
5. Job Boards for Specific Bases in Cameroon

Running a job board in Cameroon can be very complicated, but you can ask people to pay to apply for multiple jobs.
So far, all of the Cameroon website ideas we’ve talked about have been relatively mainstream. At this point, it’s time to step out of the ordinary.
Many people are now looking for work online in Cameroon . However, finding the best job vacancies can be a challenge as you have to wade through many online platforms and sift through all the negative or irrelevant offers. To avoid this problem, candidates can subscribe to premium job sites, which are offered to them. This way, they can save time and only apply to the most likely job openings.
If you’re the type of person who can find great jobs for a specific field and you have the time to research them, there’s no reason you can’t create your own site. You can charge people a monthly fee in exchange for access and the ability to apply for openings. Alternatively, you can charge companies to add listings to your job board.
You will need to use a platform that will allow you to set up a job board and process payments and this is where WordPress comes to the rescue. You can use many plugins to add all the functionality you need to a basic WordPress installation. Once you’ve created one, all you need to do is find deals and drive traffic to your website.
Just like with e-learning sites in Cameroon , the best way to attract traffic from employers and workers is to post free content. With that in mind, setting up a profitable job board and growing it until it makes you money can take time, but it’s a solid long-term business model. Plus, if you run a business, you can post your own jobs for free!
6. Service Websites

Service websites come in all shapes and sizes, including web hosting providers
The term “service” can encompass many types of business. For example, ours is a service website, as we sell website hosting . In general, a service website is an online business that sells valuable stuff that isn’t a physical or digital product.
Chances are if you assess your existing skills, you will find a service you could provide online in Cameroon. It could be editing work, assistance with programming issues, or just about anything you can imagine. There are many platforms where you can advertise your services, but having a dedicated website looks more professional and increases your chances of getting attention.
Setting up this type of website is also extremely simple, thanks to platforms such as WordPress. All you have to do is design an attractive landing page and include some information about yourself and the services you provide. If possible, we also recommend using pricing tables, as they allow visitors to get a quick overview of what you offer.
And now,
Once you have created a website to promote your services in Cameroon, all you need to do is encourage people to visit it. Social media is an ideal tool to achieve this, although personal networking can also be a useful approach. For example, you can hand out cards with a link to your website when you attend local events.
When it comes to Cameroon website ideas , this one is quite simple. You can take on as much work as you can handle and if your site really takes off, you can easily consider turning it into a full-time business.
7. Websites you can sell in Cameroon

Popular websites can sell for truly impressive numbers.
Finally, if you are good at coming up with website ideas and implementing them, there is money to be made. All of the website ideas we’ve talked about so far have a lot of potential. However, if you don’t want to make a permanent commitment, it’s always possible to create and sell a website instead.
There is a healthy market for proven websites. For example, if you can show that you have a site that earns you at least $500 a month, you shouldn’t have much trouble finding someone willing to pay a lot for it.
Keep in mind that there are plenty of websites that also sell for pennies on the dollar. What serious buyers are looking for are sites with at least a few years of history and provable income. You’ll also often need to share traffic information, so shoppers can check that everything is up to date.
To summarize,
Many people don’t start creating websites with the intention of selling them. However, after a few years of working on the same project, you might find yourself exhausted. In this case, selling your site is a better idea than abandoning it.
Of the Cameroon website ideas we have discussed so far, the best types of sites to sell are Cameroon affiliate blogs and online stores . There are also markets for Cameroon e-learning sites and job boards, although finding buyers for these is more difficult.
If you want to research selling websites in Cameroon , there are two platforms you need to check. First of all, Flippa deals with small and medium sized sites at a moderate price:

Empire Flippers , on the other hand, is a much better option if you have a website with seniority and provable income:
These sites can help you find buyers willing to pay a lot for a well-designed and successful website. With time and patience, it can become an interesting side hustle.
Developing most website ideas in Cameroon takes time. However, there are a few types of sites you can use that work great as side businesses. For example, anyone can take part in affiliate blogging and post content whenever they have the time. This is just one of the many Cameroon website ideas you can pursue, so you can choose the one that suits you best.
In your opinion, what are the best website ideas for an online business in Cameroon ? Share your ideas with us in the comments section below!
LocalHost Digital : Your Web & Digital Agency in Africa

The N°1 Digital Transformation Agency LocalHost Digital is at your disposal for all your projects. Our Digital Agency specializes in the Development and Integration of Digital Solutions for Companies (ERP, CRM, Commercial Management, Dedicated Solutions, etc.), the Creation of Professional Websites , the Development of Web and Mobile Applications , the Development of Business applications, Digital Marketing , as well as in Graphic Design and Practical Training in the various Digital professions . We are a Digital Transformation Company which stands out for its wide range of services and creative strategies, but above all for the quality of our achievements. We support and educate our customers so that they get the most out of the solutions we build with them.
We publish and integrate software solutions designed to simplify and optimize the management of specific businesses and activities:
- Business Management Software
- Stock Management Software / Warehouses
- School Management Software
- Hospital Management Software
- Hotel and Hostel Management Software
- Law Firm Management Software
- Sewing Salon Management Software
- Call Center Management Software
- Freight Business Management Software
- Whatsapp Bulk Messaging Software
- Restaurant Management Software
- Fleet Management Software
- ERP/CRM/HR/Project Management Software
- Medical Analysis Laboratories Management Software

Durrell NGOUANET DONGMO | Promoter of LocalHost Digital
Durrell NGOUANET is a young Engineer graduated from the National Polytechnic School of Yaoundé. Passionate about Digital Transformation and Specialist in Digital Solutions, He is attracted by the challenge and the resolution of business problems | An entrepreneur focused on the future, he is the Founder of the company LocalHost Group SARL and of the Training Center for Digital Professions LocalHost Academy | He is also the Founder of the Professional Social Network TheStarterbook , the Durrell Market e-commerce platform and many other digital initiatives.
Take advantage of the promotion to launch your professional website
We are specialists in the Creation of Professional Websites with several years of experience serving companies and individuals around the world. Consult our achievements by CLICKING HERE
Some Recent Achievements of LocalHost Digital: Best Web and Digital Agency in Cameroon

LocalHost Digital for the company UN Media

LocalHost Digital for the company PeexPay based in France

LocalHost Digital for L’institut d’Art Oratoire

LocalHost Digital for the company Ever Connect based in Ivory Coast

LocalHost Digital for the company Hachther, Online Payment Solution

LocalHost Digital for Gab’s Shop

LocalHost Digital for the company KTK Deals SARL

LocalHost Digital for the company Alibase based in Chad

LocalHost Digital for the company IDOLE

An expert in computer languages, the computer developer translates the customer’s request into computer code online. The digital revolution places him among the most sought-after professionals, especially if he knows how to adapt and expand his skills.
What is a web developer?
The web developer is a programming manager. He oversees the design of sites, applications, software and computer programs to meet the needs of his business or customers. For this, he first analyzes the needs and thinks about the structure of the future program with the aim of satisfying the users.
What is the job of web developer in Cameroon?
The web developer’s primary task is to analyze the client’s needs in order to adapt the ergonomics of the future program to the user’s wishes. Then he writes a specification specifying the technical specificities to be followed to create the website, the web application or the software ordered.
From the specifications drawn up according to the client’s request, the web developer will then choose the most suitable technical solution and develop the functionalities of the site or the web application. For this last step, he writes lines of code.
After the creation of the site, application, software or program ordered, the web developer’s mission is to maintain it and make it evolve when necessary and when his skills allow it, he ensures the responsiveness of the site. so that it is optimized for mobile.
The web developer also has a trainer’s hat, in fact he may be required to write guides that will allow users to better understand the programs created. These explanations are also used to train users to avoid errors or to adjust them more easily in the event of of need.
What studies to become a web developer?
To do this job, you have to be computer savvy and master web development languages (PHP, SQL, java, html, ccs, etc.) as well as CMS (content management system) and other Frameworks, but also you have to be versatile, autonomous, respectful of deadlines and able to integrate new concepts and programming languages in a rapidly changing universe. As a result, to access this profession, there are several educational possibilities after baccalaureate:
- Prepare a BTS or DUT in computer science, then complete it with a professional license (business: web application or web design) for a total of 3 years of study
- Join an engineering school and prepare a degree with the programming specialty
- Carry out a license and a master’s degree in computer science in 5 years in a university
Note also that there are several specialized training centers that also train in this area. In Cameroon for example, we have several training centers for web development, we can cite:
- LocalHost Academy: The Best Web Development Training and Certification Center .
- CIS Training .
- Lux Web Services.
This is one of the best web development training centers in Cameroon
However, it is also possible to follow online training, because there are several training sites in the field of web development.
The digital, digital and IT sectors are opening up more and more jobs for web developers. Many companies need to create a web site, application or software, so it is possible for a developer to work in a service agency, in a company or independently; with several years of experience, he can acquire the position of technical director to manage a team.
LocalHost Digital : Your Web & Digital Agency in Africa

The N°1 Digital Transformation Agency LocalHost Digital is at your disposal for all your projects. Our Digital Agency specializes in the Development and Integration of Digital Solutions for Companies (ERP, CRM, Commercial Management, Dedicated Solutions, etc.), the Creation of Professional Websites , the Development of Web and Mobile Applications , the Development of Business applications, Digital Marketing , as well as in Graphic Design and Practical Training in the various Digital professions . We are a Digital Transformation Company which stands out for its wide range of services and creative strategies, but above all for the quality of our achievements. We support and educate our customers so that they get the most out of the solutions we build with them.
We publish and integrate software solutions designed to simplify and optimize the management of specific businesses and activities:
- Business Management Software
- Stock Management Software / Warehouses
- School Management Software
- Hospital Management Software
- Hotel and Hostel Management Software
- Law Firm Management Software
- Sewing Salon Management Software
- Call Center Management Software
- Freight Business Management Software
- Whatsapp Bulk Messaging Software
- Restaurant Management Software
- Fleet Management Software
- ERP/CRM/HR/Project Management Software
- Medical Analysis Laboratories Management Software

Durrell NGOUANET DONGMO | Promoter of LocalHost Digital
Durrell NGOUANET is a young Engineer graduated from the National Polytechnic School of Yaoundé. Passionate about Digital Transformation and Specialist in Digital Solutions, He is attracted by the challenge and the resolution of business problems | An entrepreneur focused on the future, he is the Founder of the company LocalHost Group SARL and of the Training Center for Digital Professions LocalHost Academy | He is also the Founder of the Professional Social Network TheStarterbook , the Durrell Market e-commerce platform and many other digital initiatives.
Take advantage of the promotion to launch your professional website
We are specialists in the Creation of Professional Websites with several years of experience serving companies and individuals around the world. Consult our achievements by CLICKING HERE
Some Recent Achievements of LocalHost Digital: Best Web and Digital Agency in Cameroon

LocalHost Digital for the company UN Media

LocalHost Digital for the company PeexPay based in France

LocalHost Digital for L’institut d’Art Oratoire

LocalHost Digital for the company Ever Connect based in Ivory Coast

LocalHost Digital for the company Hachther, Online Payment Solution

LocalHost Digital for Gab’s Shop

LocalHost Digital for the company KTK Deals SARL

LocalHost Digital for the company Alibase based in Chad

LocalHost Digital for the company IDOLE
Managing a school or an educational institution is not child’s play. Maintaining the records of hundreds of students or their academic archives can be difficult. It is controlled manually using paper documents, which makes it more difficult. school management software is software that should allow you to have a better follow-up on your establishment.
The criteria for choosing a good school management software
Good School Management software should be:
1- Intuitive
Whether you are an amateur or an expert in the IT field, school management software must be designed with easy-to-use interfaces that will not cause you any problems in any case.
2- Scalable
The school life management application must support the integration of additional modules in order to better adapt to the requirements of the establishments.
3- Intelligent
It must be possible to automate the management of tasks thanks to the different functionalities available in the school management application
4- Secure
All of this must take place in a hyper-secure space. No more worries about authentication, access to your accounts and data.
5- Collaborative
Users must be able to connect to it at the same time and share documents and any other school information.
The most efficient solution for the management of private and public establishments.
6- Simplified communication
The school management application is ideal for totally organizing all school operations. Communication between the different players in the system (school) is more simplified and more fluid while remaining secure. The sharing of information is done in real time in order to allow everyone to take care of the areas that concern them.
7- Total dematerialization
The school management software allows you to digitize all your documents. This allows you to better organize your documents, save space related to the storage of paper documents and facilitate the archiving and sharing of documents.
8- Report-school
The software must provide you with detailed reports of all the activities carried out on the system. From the student delay report system to the financial report, everything is at your disposal for a better overview of your school.
9- Centralization of data
The software must allow you to centralize your data. Whatever medium you use to store your data, you will no longer need it. You have the possibility of storing all your data on the management application in order to facilitate saving time for searching for documents and faster sharing.
The List of the Best School Management Software
We have listed some of the best school management software that helps you with all the tasks in the world in schools and institutions:
1. Fedena

From creating detailed reports to making quick and smart decisions or automating all tasks, this is a versatile school and college management program. This facility management software has the following features: Program and batch administration creates certificates and helps to create schedules. Exam timetables, management finance control and student registration. Provides support for news management and assistance in human resources management and helps to create configurable dashboards.
2.Gradelink _

This is one of the most user-friendly programs to help your school manage student attendance and save time. From arranging a free trial session to designing a custom account or employee savings, they ensure your school has the best experience with global support. Equipped with well-designed and responsive tools that are easy to locate. It helps you manage classroom attendance, create address labels, lunch reports, employee records, and more. Provides assistance with presetting vacation dates, managing attendance lists, maintaining classroom behavior, marking daily attendance, and more.
3. Alma

One of the world’s leading school management software, this software helps you create data-driven options using comprehensive analytics and images. The easy-to-use SIS platform focuses on increasing engagement between students, parents, and families. County administration helps create their own reports, schedules, bus routes, custom reports, and more. . Helps school management with early planning, assessment tracking, bulk editing, creating bus directions, managing schedules, training courses, and more. Provides student management support by keeping track of attendance, creating biographical and demographic details, maintaining communications, administration fees, etc.
4.iGradePlus _

This school management program also serves as a web-based class book and is very popular among K-12 teachers, college professors, and educators. It comes with a wide range of useful features that support all teachers, students, parents and school administration.
5.Class365 _

Managing your educational environment is a walk with this advanced school management program. Ideal for operating any type of educational institution, this program comes with all the advanced systems that help institutes think early. These systems help the institute effortlessly manage student information, learning resources, training courses, and expectations.
6. feKara

This facility management software lets you easily enroll students and offers a self-enrollment option to track student attendance, manage class schedules, and more. It provides a general search tool that helps you access all student data, predefined roles, option to add teachers and staff to systems, import student details, export data in all major formats, etc It provides customizable templates for report creation, ability to print reports, schedule report creation, delivery of reports to parents, and more.
7. Open Source OpenSIS

Increase your faculty performance and student achievement with this school management program. It is a secure system ideal for commercial use, flexible and responsive. It is configured and extended to meet certain aspects of the industry and comes with the possibility of providing source code. Light and efficient management tasks through web browser and built-in iOS and Android apps for students, teachers and parents. Additionally, it provides dedicated student and teacher portals giving them exclusive access to their projects, data, etc., and provides a private and secure environment for openSIS, comprehensive security, multi-channel support option, and more.
8. PowerVista RollCall

Those who are looking for a school management program for a non-K12 school can easily rely on this program. It is cloud-based and known to support school administration by sending progress notifications to students, monitoring various courses, creating invoices, etc. Equipped with report writer and editor of built-in templates that work accordingly to meet your needs for effective school management.
LocalHost Digital : Your Web & Digital Agency in Africa

The N°1 Digital Transformation Agency LocalHost Digital is at your disposal for all your projects. Our Digital Agency specializes in the Development and Integration of Digital Solutions for Companies (ERP, CRM, Commercial Management, Dedicated Solutions, etc.), the Creation of Professional Websites , the Development of Web and Mobile Applications , the Development of Business applications, Digital Marketing , as well as in Graphic Design and Practical Training in the various Digital professions . We are a Digital Transformation Company which stands out for its wide range of services and creative strategies, but above all for the quality of our achievements. We support and educate our customers so that they get the most out of the solutions we build with them.
We publish and integrate software solutions designed to simplify and optimize the management of specific businesses and activities:
- Business Management Software
- Stock Management Software / Warehouses
- School Management Software
- Hospital Management Software
- Hotel and Hostel Management Software
- Law Firm Management Software
- Sewing Salon Management Software
- Call Center Management Software
- Freight Business Management Software
- Whatsapp Bulk Messaging Software
- Restaurant Management Software
- Fleet Management Software
- ERP/CRM/HR/Project Management Software
- Medical Analysis Laboratories Management Software

Durrell NGOUANET DONGMO | Promoter of LocalHost Digital
Durrell NGOUANET is a young Engineer graduated from the National Polytechnic School of Yaoundé. Passionate about Digital Transformation and Specialist in Digital Solutions, He is attracted by the challenge and the resolution of business problems | An entrepreneur focused on the future, he is the Founder of the company LocalHost Group SARL and of the Training Center for Digital Professions LocalHost Academy | He is also the Founder of the Professional Social Network TheStarterbook , the Durrell Market e-commerce platform and many other digital initiatives.
Take advantage of the promotion to launch your professional website
We are specialists in the Creation of Professional Websites with several years of experience serving companies and individuals around the world. Consult our achievements by CLICKING HERE
Some Recent Achievements of LocalHost Digital: Best Web and Digital Agency in Cameroon

LocalHost Digital for the company UN Media

LocalHost Digital for the company PeexPay based in France

LocalHost Digital for L’institut d’Art Oratoire

LocalHost Digital for the company Ever Connect based in Ivory Coast

LocalHost Digital for the company Hachther, Online Payment Solution

LocalHost Digital for Gab’s Shop

LocalHost Digital for the company KTK Deals SARL

LocalHost Digital for the company Alibase based in Chad

LocalHost Digital for the company IDOLE
The Best Business Management Software in Senegal
You are in Senegal, you do not have time to consult manuals of 200 pages to be able to edit an invoice? Are you overwhelmed by the 50 Excel sheets that manage your business activity? Do you need a simple, fast, efficient and secure tool to help you perform all the classic business management functions? Are you looking for the best Commercial Management Software in Senegal for your activity?
We know exactly what you are going through. Some tasks like tracking sales, managing inventory, or creating quotes and invoices can be complex and time-consuming. This is why companies in Africa in General and in Senegal in particular are equipped with commercial management software, cash register software or simply point-of-sale management software, to save time and generate more sales.
What is business management software?
Commercial management software are specific tools of the ERP software type . Having a database, they ensure compatibility management while carrying out a variety of other tasks such as order management, commercial follow-up, customer relations, etc.
These computer products perform various actions. They store all customer and supplier information for future use. They generate purchase orders and delivery slips as well as invoices. Likewise, they control ongoing activities for customers and suppliers.
Commercial management software, sometimes called point-of-sale management software, is a definite asset for businesses in Senegal. Thanks to a constantly updated database, these tools facilitate accounting operations. Employees thus gain more time to take care of other tasks. Thanks to real-time monitoring, the software optimizes companies’ stock by scheduling replenishments.
Finally, they increase the company’s profitability. Tracking orders, invoices and payments makes them independent of the accounting department, without human intervention.
How to choose a business management software in Senegal?
To correctly choose your business management software in Senegal, you must first determine the needs of the company and its team, as well as the available budget to be respected. A report of the functionalities sought can also facilitate the research work.
Sales team managers will have to be vigilant about the presence of features such as:
- Inter-compatibility with other company software, such as internal accounting software or the company’s CRM
- The number of users that the software will be able to accommodate
- The features supported by the software (quotes, purchase orders, customer portfolio, etc.)
- Access to dedicated software support, for efficient deployment of the tool
- The security of customer information stored in the software
- A complete customization of the tool, or a business orientation that makes sense for the job
- Access to responsive customer support
Also make sure that the software benefits from frequent security updates, and prefer a software publisher that stores data on secure servers. Finally, make sure that the software publisher is able to follow the developments and constraints related to local legislation in Senegal.
The best commercial management software in Senegal
In Senegal, there are indeed commercial management software allowing you to set up efficient commercial management at a lower cost.
Optisales – Best Cloud Business Management Software in Africa

Robust Solution Used by more than 1000 Business Clients in more than 6 Countries
Optisales is a management software allowing the commercial follow -up of prospects and customers, the simple, dynamic and fully configurable generation of quotes, pro-formas, orders and invoices, integrating, at the heart of this system, a powerful monitoring of operations performed on company data. Optisales is the result of the experience of managers from various fields. Ideal for businesses of all sizes, this powerful yet easy-to-use software is a complete solution for managing your entire business activity. User-friendly and ergonomic, it is designed to save you time in managing your daily activity.
Some Key Optimal Software Features
- Invoicing and order processing
- Sales tracking and reporting
- Inventory and stock management
- Customer relations / CRM
- The creation of commercial documents: invoices, quotes, purchase orders, etc.
- Inventory of products or services: inventory, price tracking, etc.
- Management of suppliers and customers (delivery address; contact)
- Classic entry or by barcode
- Purchasing documents: Purchase order, delivery note, invoice and credit note
- Sales documents: Quote, delivery note, credit note and invoice
- Stock documents: Entry, exit and transfer between depots
- Choice of models for publishing sales documents
- Dashboard, sales charts…
- Commercial inquiry, articles, customers and suppliers
- Importing customers and items from another software
Some Benefits of Optisales Software Multi-Boutique ManagementRemote and real-time monitoringNo more Missing in your boxesEliminate Management ErrorsIncrease Your earnings with more traceability
- Master and retain your customers
Contact Us For a Free DemoMore details on the Optisales solution
Optisales is designed for your business
- Supermarkets
- Pharmacies
- Bookstores
- Restaurants
- Bakeries
- Shops of all types
- Warehouses
- All types of business activities

Innova Com is a simplified tool designed for the management of commercial operations. It allows you to administer your calendar in an optimal way. All the contacts of your customers or your prospects are archived there. You can easily contact them or arrange appointments. From the trades made, the software draws up a history to help you think about your trading strategies.

NDIARTE COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT is an intuitive, complete and fully modular software according to your needs (CRM, commercial management, cash, stock, etc.) and the size of your company.

Commercial management software allows you to “steer” a business. Commercial management is therefore a key element for companies, whatever their size and sector of activity. Without good business management, a business cannot function properly, be profitable and satisfy its customers. we offer installation, advice and management, troubleshooting, training, We are a provider of computer installation services, we give advice for the evolution of hardware and software to be used in the medium and long term.
Sage 100 Cloud Business Management

With Sage 100cloud Commercial Management, you control the entire commercial chain of your SME: from quotes to invoicing, including supply, inventory and management.
- Automated and chained invoicing process: quote, order, delivery, invoice, return, credit note, etc.
- Business history and financial information centralized in your solution
- Fully customizable product and service database
- Customizable dashboards updated in real time
- Just-in-time stock management and controlled supplies
- Intuitive ergonomics and automatic integration of invoices in Sage 100cloud Accounting
In conclusion
We have identified for you the best business management software in Senegal. We would like to affirm that this list is exhaustive. Do you have a specific need that comes to mind? Concerns on our list? Do not hesitate to leave us your opinion in the comment box below. To learn more, see the following articles
LocalHost Digital : Your Web & Digital Agency in Africa

The N°1 Digital Transformation Agency LocalHost Digital is at your disposal for all your projects. Our Digital Agency specializes in the Development and Integration of Digital Solutions for Companies (ERP, CRM, Commercial Management, Dedicated Solutions, etc.), the Creation of Professional Websites , the Development of Web and Mobile Applications , the Development of Business applications, Digital Marketing , as well as in Graphic Design and Practical Training in the various Digital professions . We are a Digital Transformation Company which stands out for its wide range of services and creative strategies, but above all for the quality of our achievements. We support and educate our customers so that they get the most out of the solutions we build with them.
We publish and integrate software solutions designed to simplify and optimize the management of specific businesses and activities:
- Business Management Software
- Stock Management Software / Warehouses
- School Management Software
- Hospital Management Software
- Hotel and Hostel Management Software
- Law Firm Management Software
- Sewing Salon Management Software
- Call Center Management Software
- Freight Business Management Software
- Whatsapp Bulk Messaging Software
- Restaurant Management Software
- Fleet Management Software
- ERP/CRM/HR/Project Management Software
- Medical Analysis Laboratories Management Software

Durrell NGOUANET DONGMO | Promoter of LocalHost Digital
Durrell NGOUANET is a young Engineer graduated from the National Polytechnic School of Yaoundé. Passionate about Digital Transformation and Specialist in Digital Solutions, He is attracted by the challenge and the resolution of business problems | An entrepreneur focused on the future, he is the Founder of the company LocalHost Group SARL and of the Training Center for Digital Professions LocalHost Academy | He is also the Founder of the Professional Social Network TheStarterbook , the Durrell Market e-commerce platform and many other digital initiatives.
Take advantage of the promotion to launch your professional website
We are specialists in the Creation of Professional Websites with several years of experience serving companies and individuals around the world. Consult our achievements by CLICKING HERE
Some Recent Achievements of LocalHost Digital: Best Web and Digital Agency in Cameroon

LocalHost Digital for the company UN Media

LocalHost Digital for the company PeexPay based in France

LocalHost Digital for L’institut d’Art Oratoire

LocalHost Digital for the company Ever Connect based in Ivory Coast

LocalHost Digital for the company Hachther, Online Payment Solution

LocalHost Digital for Gab’s Shop

LocalHost Digital for the company KTK Deals SARL

LocalHost Digital for the company Alibase based in Chad

LocalHost Digital for the company IDOLE
How to become a web influencer in Cameroon?
Unlike celebrities, influencers can be anywhere. They can be anyone, including you. What can make you influential is having a large following on the web and social media.
An influencer can be a popular fashion photographer on instagram, a comedian like Takam, Steve Fah etc, or even a well-known blogger like Chedjou Kamdem, Atom blogger and more. Remember, influencers have a proven track record and their followers eagerly await their expert advice and recommendations.
Influential people exist in all industries. They are easily recognizable by their hundreds (if not millions) of subscribers, and this is the target audience that every CMO is looking for.
An influencer can earn close to or more than a million francs per month from large or small companies. It all depends on their potential and popularity. Incredible isn’t it?
So how can you also become a Cameroonian influencer and start earning millions?
Reveal the tricks
1. Choose your niche
If you want to become a social media influencer , the first thing to do is to find a niche (a specific part of the target market) in which you want to be known. It could be in makeup, comedy, blogging, and many more. There are so many.
2. Choose your platform
It’s important to choose the right social platforms where audiences with interests related to your brand could engage with you. Three of the most important social networks on which influencers thrive in Cameroon are Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Facebook beating the other two by far. Based on global data collected by StatCounter on a sample of page views per month on social media in Cameroon for the month of October 2019, it appears that Facebook alone has 89.49% page views per month compared to to Instagram (1.7%) and Youtube (1.3%).
3. Prioritize your content
It is extremely important to post unique and authentic content that resonates with your audience. In fact, it’s the only way to keep your audience hooked on your content. Whatever type of content you create should be meaningful and useful.
4. Be regular and consistent
Once you’ve decided on the type of content you want to post, you need to finalize a posting frequency and schedule. Most social media algorithms favor regularly posted accounts. On Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, you can only post once or twice a day. But on a platform like Twitter which is dynamic in nature, you need to post continuously.
5. Engage with your audience
Once you start posting content on social media, you will often get likes and comments. As an influencer, it’s important to connect with your followers because you absolutely can’t ignore their comments. It is recommended to respond to comments and questions that your followers would ask you. Engaging with your followers not only helps you build personal connections, but also solidifies your position as an influencer.
6. Build Relationships
As a newcomer to the world of influencers, you need to reach out to other people and brands in your industry. Talk with other influencers, comment and like their posts, exchange ideas, chat with their profiles. The intention here is to be noticed no matter if others see you as a groupie. As long as you know what you want and know how to get there, you’re fine.
7. Promote yourself
You want your content to be seen by as many people as possible. And that can’t happen if you don’t promote yourself. Since you are new, your audience can rarely share your content, so promote yourself. Share your content everywhere, where it may seem interesting of course.
8. Connect with brands
The final step in your quest to become an influencer is to announce it to the world. You must be an influencer interested in brand collaborations. You can do this by clearly stating in your bio that you are an influencer and are interested in collaborations. You can also reach out to relevant brands and let them know what you can offer. It’s better to design a mailing template that you can use to send to different brands because it will save you a lot of time.
So, has the path to becoming an influencer in Cameroon been clarified for you? If so, leave us a comment in the comment box below. And if you want to work with experts to build a lasting image of yourself as a leading influencer in your field, contact us now. We would like to work with you.
LocalHost Digital : Your Web & Digital Agency in Africa

The N°1 Digital Transformation Agency LocalHost Digital is at your disposal for all your projects. Our Digital Agency specializes in the Development and Integration of Digital Solutions for Companies (ERP, CRM, Commercial Management, Dedicated Solutions, etc.), the Creation of Professional Websites , the Development of Web and Mobile Applications , the Development of Business applications, Digital Marketing , as well as in Graphic Design and Practical Training in the various Digital professions . We are a Digital Transformation Company which stands out for its wide range of services and creative strategies, but above all for the quality of our achievements. We support and educate our customers so that they get the most out of the solutions we build with them.
We publish and integrate software solutions designed to simplify and optimize the management of specific businesses and activities:
- Business Management Software
- Stock Management Software / Warehouses
- School Management Software
- Hospital Management Software
- Hotel and Hostel Management Software
- Law Firm Management Software
- Sewing Salon Management Software
- Call Center Management Software
- Freight Business Management Software
- Whatsapp Bulk Messaging Software
- Restaurant Management Software
- Fleet Management Software
- ERP/CRM/HR/Project Management Software
- Medical Analysis Laboratories Management Software

Durrell NGOUANET DONGMO | Promoter of LocalHost Digital
Durrell NGOUANET is a young Engineer graduated from the National Polytechnic School of Yaoundé. Passionate about Digital Transformation and Specialist in Digital Solutions, He is attracted by the challenge and the resolution of business problems | An entrepreneur focused on the future, he is the Founder of the company LocalHost Group SARL and of the Training Center for Digital Professions LocalHost Academy | He is also the Founder of the Professional Social Network TheStarterbook , the Durrell Market e-commerce platform and many other digital initiatives.
Take advantage of the promotion to launch your professional website
We are specialists in the Creation of Professional Websites with several years of experience serving companies and individuals around the world. Consult our achievements by CLICKING HERE
Some Recent Achievements of LocalHost Digital: Best Web and Digital Agency in Cameroon

LocalHost Digital for the company UN Media

LocalHost Digital for the company PeexPay based in France

LocalHost Digital for L’institut d’Art Oratoire

LocalHost Digital for the company Ever Connect based in Ivory Coast

LocalHost Digital for the company Hachther, Online Payment Solution

LocalHost Digital for Gab’s Shop

LocalHost Digital for the company KTK Deals SARL

LocalHost Digital for the company Alibase based in Chad

LocalHost Digital for the company IDOLE
The best cash management software for your store in Africa?
You do not have time to consult manuals of 200 pages to be able to edit an invoice? Are you overwhelmed by the 50 Excel sheets that manage your business activity? Do you need a simple, fast, efficient and secure tool to help you perform all the classic cash management functions? Looking for the best Cash Management Software for your business? Optisales , Cloud cash management software for Points of Sale, has been developed for you by LocalHost Digital
Optisales Cloud Software Overview

Optisales is a single software that centralizes all of your management. Whether you manage a point of sale or on the contrary a large chain of stores, Optisales allows you to centralize all your information in a single database, accessible in whole or in part by the branches and the various related users.
Business management
Optimize and facilitate the administrative management of your business as much as possible: quotes, purchase orders, tickets, invoices, etc. Accelerate data processing within your company and give yourself time for more rewarding tasks.
Customer relationship management
Easily keep your customer files up to date and personalize them according to your segmentation criteria. Ensure and strengthen the follow-up of your customers and commercial reminders (automated sending of emails, SMS, gift vouchers, etc.) for greater loyalty.
Accounting Management and E-commerce Integration
Keep your accounts daily and totally automated thanks to Optisales . Seamlessly integrate your e-commerce site into your business management and manage it via the same interface! Directly link the data of your points of sale to those of your online store for real-time updates and perfect synchronization of your stock level and price changes.
Presentation of Optisales

Optisales is a cash management software allowing the commercial follow -up of prospects and customers, the simple, dynamic and fully configurable generation of quotes, pro-formas, orders and invoices, integrating, at the heart of this system, a powerful module for monitoring operations performed on company data. Optisales is the result of the experience of managers from various fields. Ideal for businesses of all sizes, this powerful yet easy-to-use software is a complete solution for managing your entire business activity. User-friendly and ergonomic, it is designed to save you time in managing your daily activity.
One and the same software to manage all of your commercial activity!
All the stages of your commercial chain are processed, avoiding unnecessary phases! You have clear and complete dashboards for each stage of your work.
With rigor and precision, Optisales assists you in the proper management of your business and facilitates its monitoring. From the drafting of the quote to the monitoring of regulations, Optisales is a tool at the service of your business.
Optisales is intuitive and requires a very short period of training to use it. When the administrator has finished the general setting of software features, everything else is just click play for the user.
At any time, you can know what are the sales of the day, who are the debit customers and the balance of their accounts, what is the state of the boxes, what are the invoices of the day, what are the most sold products , customers who buy the most, etc. In short, a whole panoply of elements that allow you to have a global view of your business and give it the direction it needs.
Optisales can be used online with any internet connection
Optisales is designed for your business
- Supermarkets
- Pharmacies
- Bookstores
- Restaurants
- Bakeries
- Shops of all types
- Warehouses
- All types of business activities
A Customizable Solution
Do you manage one or more points of sale? A chain of stores? Regardless of the nature of your business, the volume of items managed or the number of associated points of sale, Optisales offers a set of simple and fully customizable solutions to speed up the sales process at checkouts, increase customer satisfaction and optimize the management of your stock and your back office as much as possible.
For us, the software should adapt to the way you work, not the other way around. For this reason, Optisales presents a highly and easily configurable solution. What is not already done as standard, can easily and above all quickly be done via a personalized configuration, according to your specificities. Everything that can be automated, becomes so. You recover a maximum of time to devote to your customers
Complete Management
- Daily commercial management, Management of the point of sale network, offers, purchase orders, dispatch notes, invoices, credit notes
- Management of cash registers and articles: Barcode reader, prices, payment methods, promotions, discounts, movements, opening and closing of cash registers, automatic invoicing of counter sales, etc.
- Inventory and replenishment management
- Link to point-of-sale equipment: Barcode readers, cash drawers, PDAs, price terminals, touch screens and bank terminals with immediate printing of the ticket or invoice, etc.
- Customer management and loyalty
- Customer files, loyalty cards, issue of purchase vouchers, vouchers, gift vouchers, targeted marketing campaigns, etc.
Sales force management
- Sales and sales performance measurement, commission management, information sharing, opportunity and quote management
- Edition of personalized reports
- Sales statistics and history, list of articles, etc. (edition in VAT or VAT mode).
- After-sales service management
- Management of returns, exchanges, follow-up of repair requests, etc.
Key Benefits of Our Cash Management Software in Cameroon and Africa
- Multi-stores: branches, franchisees, corners, allies, multi-brands,
- Multilingual: French and English
- Cloud Solution: Your software is accessible anywhere and from any device, plus you don’t have to worry about storage and computing hardware. The Cloud takes care of it!
- Multicurrency
- Point-of-sale multi-terminals
- Multi-vendors
- Multiple payment methods
- Multi-taxes
- Multi-devices: ticket printers, card readers, etc.
- Single database and centralization or not of customer and supplier records (However, you can define different management rules for each Point of Sale independently without hassle)
- Checking the stock status of a store
- Management of the replenishment of each point of sale (orders, transfers, receptions, etc.)
- Maintaining the correct level of stocks in each of the two
- Inventory transfers from one point of sale to another
- Synchronization and updates of prices, margins, discounts…
- Ease of document exchange between partners
- Edition of reports on global or individual results
- Centralization of supplier catalogs and their updates
- Joint management of balances, discounts, special actions
- Loyalty cards valid in all stores
Sales forces
- Management of authorizations by seller
- Management of Commercial Agents and their Commissions
- Identification of the seller for all transactions made in the store
- Monitoring of the seller’s activity and history of the actions carried out
Remote control

Remote and real-time supervision of one or more store(s) via your favorite mobile devices. The representative therefore remains in possession, during his travels, of all customer information (contact details, special prices, discounts, etc.), but also of the item sheets, prices or even the state of stocks. It is also possible for him to encode quotes and customer order forms and to check, at any time and in real time, the results of sales for the day or for a defined period.
Why forward-thinking companies love the Optisales Cash Management solution?
Grow from one store to many
Whether you’re a mom with a single-location counter shop or a growing retailer with over 20 stores, Optisales can keep your business running smoothly. Even better, Optisales grows with you. Easily add outlets and locations to your account and track all the store data and reports you need from one place.
Make smarter business decisions
With Optisales Cameroon and Africa Cash Management Software , in one click, you can get all the vital information needed to manage your business and make smart data-driven decisions. Your Optisales store updates as sales are processed, giving you a real-time view of your business’ performance and better control over its direction than you’ve ever had before.
Sell more of your best products
Optisales gives you complete control over your products and inventory. Real-Time Inventory helps maximize your omnichannel inventory control with live updates of stock levels. Automated replenishment ensures you never have too much or too little stock on your shelves. Track the cost of the products you sell, then improve your results by determining your pricing strategy from this data.
Access your data from anywhere
Optisales stores your data securely in the cloud. So if your PC or Mobile breaks down or is stolen, all you have to do is switch to another computer. It’s true! With the Cash Management Software in Cameroon and Africa, Optisales , we store your important business data securely in the cloud to protect your business against events such as computer theft, viruses and unexpected breakdowns.
Detailed analyzes on your business
With all sales channels and retail data available from a single platform, get the transparency you’ve always dreamed of with Optisales ‘ intelligent business analytics . Use our central dashboard to review sales, customer profiles, or overall business performance. Above all, make better decisions with Optisales Cameroon and Africa Cash Management Software .
Compatible with your hardware
Our Cash Management Software application in Cameroon and Africa Optisales can be used on any existing iPad, PC or Mac – it’s that simple! Optisales offers a wide range of plug-n-play compatibility with retail printers and barcode scanners. As a result, your existing hardware is likely to work just fine. Get set up with Optisales in minutes.
Some of our Digital Solutions

CloudKit est une plate-forme simple, puissante et facile à utiliser pour digitaliser la gestion de votre entreprise et automatiser les tâches chronophages du quotidien. Elle permet de gérer et suivre les projets, les tâches, les factures, les devis, les prospects, les clients, les ressources humaines, les transactions et bien d’autres !

Optisales est une application ultra complète de Gestion Commerciale sur le Cloud, conçue de façon robuste pour s’adapter à tous les business de la Vente en gros comme en détail. Elle est utilisée par les Boutiques, les Supermarchés, les Pharmacies, le Boulangeries, Superettes et Chaines de magasins.

DoctaWare est un logiciel de gestion hospitalière avec une conception de système d’information intégré, pour gérer les aspects administratifs, financiers et cliniques votre hôpital. DoctaWare englobe le traitement de l’information sur papier ainsi que le système de traitement des données. Gérer effcacement le flux des patients est une exigence en temps réel.

Prospector est une application Web ultra moderne de Gestion de Prospects et de Centres D’appels développée par LocalHost L’application vous permet, avec une approche simple et élégante, de Créer et Gérer vos Campagnes de Calling, de Suivre les Conver-sions et les Temps de communication, de Gérer les Prospects, d’Organiser et optimiser votre équipe d’appels, d’avoir une traçabilité, d’Automatiser les communications ultérieures avec les Prospects, de Suivre les Rendez-vous, de Gérer votre calendrier de rappel et d’avoir tous les rapports

Optisales est une application ultra complète de Gestion Commerciale sur le Cloud, conçue de façon robuste pour s’adapter à tous les business de la Vente en gros comme en détail. Elle est utilisée par les Boutiques, les Supermarchés, les Pharmacies, le Boulangeries, Superettes et Chaines de magasins.

CloudFreight est un logiciel Cloud Complet conçu pour les entreprises qui gèrent des colis afn de suivre la logistique du stockage et de la manutention du fret jusqu’à leur destination fnale et de gérer les employés et les chauffeurs de pouvoir suivre l’ensemble de votre entreprise.
LocalHost Digital : Your Web & Digital Agency in Africa

The N°1 Digital Transformation Agency LocalHost Digital is at your disposal for all your projects. Our Digital Agency specializes in the Development and Integration of Digital Solutions for Companies (ERP, CRM, Commercial Management, Dedicated Solutions, etc.), the Creation of Professional Websites , the Development of Web and Mobile Applications , the Development of Business applications, Digital Marketing , as well as in Graphic Design and Practical Training in the various Digital professions . We are a Digital Transformation Company which stands out for its wide range of services and creative strategies, but above all for the quality of our achievements. We support and educate our customers so that they get the most out of the solutions we build with them.
We publish and integrate software solutions designed to simplify and optimize the management of specific businesses and activities:
- Business Management Software
- Stock Management Software / Warehouses
- School Management Software
- Hospital Management Software
- Hotel and Hostel Management Software
- Law Firm Management Software
- Sewing Salon Management Software
- Call Center Management Software
- Freight Business Management Software
- Whatsapp Bulk Messaging Software
- Restaurant Management Software
- Fleet Management Software
- ERP/CRM/HR/Project Management Software
- Medical Analysis Laboratories Management Software

Durrell NGOUANET DONGMO | Promoter of LocalHost Digital
Durrell NGOUANET is a young Engineer graduated from the National Polytechnic School of Yaoundé. Passionate about Digital Transformation and Specialist in Digital Solutions, He is attracted by the challenge and the resolution of business problems | An entrepreneur focused on the future, he is the Founder of the company LocalHost Group SARL and of the Training Center for Digital Professions LocalHost Academy | He is also the Founder of the Professional Social Network TheStarterbook , the Durrell Market e-commerce platform and many other digital initiatives.
Take advantage of the promotion to launch your professional website
We are specialists in the Creation of Professional Websites with several years of experience serving companies and individuals around the world. Consult our achievements by CLICKING HERE
Some Recent Achievements of LocalHost Digital: Best Web and Digital Agency in Cameroon

LocalHost Digital for the company UN Media

LocalHost Digital for the company PeexPay based in France

LocalHost Digital for L’institut d’Art Oratoire

LocalHost Digital for the company Ever Connect based in Ivory Coast

LocalHost Digital for the company Hachther, Online Payment Solution

LocalHost Digital for Gab’s Shop

LocalHost Digital for the company KTK Deals SARL

LocalHost Digital for the company Alibase based in Chad

LocalHost Digital for the company IDOLE
The digital professions that are recruiting in 2022 in Cameroon
Nowadays, more and more companies are going digital in strategy and internal organization thanks to digital tools which, through the advent of new objectives, have emerged in companies with new ways of doing marketing, new skills. Thus, as part of a business strategy, digital could be defined as management in a global and structured way using dedicated tools.
The digital professions that are recruiting in 2022 in CAMEROON
It should be noted that all sectors of activity are concerned by digital transformation, the digital sector therefore includes a certain number of professions which all have a particular role in the digital chain, while in Cameroon the most solicited in 2022 are:
- The community manager
- The digital brand content manager
- Web and/or mobile developer
- Web Editor
- traffic manager
1. The Community Manager

He is a web community leader whose role is to federate a community of Internet users around a subject, a brand or his company’s products.
He animates the exchanges and monitors the code of ethics on the Internet, develops the presence of a brand on the web through social networks. He may also be required to manage crisis communication in the event that his company’s image is attacked following a misstep on the internet. You can access this profession thanks to a professional degree in SEO and web editor or a master’s degree in social human sciences with a specialization in IT and communication.
2. The Digital Brand Content Manager

The digital Brand content manager is in charge of digital content, in other words any content published on the Internet on behalf of a brand. To popularize the brand, inform, convince customers and create commitment. This real marketing chameleon imagines, creates and distributes content (videos, blog or press articles, post on social networks). His role is positioned between the content manager, the community manager and the web editor.
3. The Web/or Mobile Developer

Digital Agency in Cameroon: Portfolio
The web developer is an expert whose skills make it possible to design web applications and/or models of websites; from where he must analyze the needs of the project upstream for the customer, then carry out the applications by taking into account the technical and functional specificities of the project. The mobile developer, meanwhile, is responsible for developing mobile applications on Android that are simple and practical to use. The applications are numerous and varied, music, games, information, geolocation services, social networks, payment, communication. It is important that the developer who turns to Android application development has a good background in java and if he then turns to iOS application development he must have a solid base in coding
4. The Web Editor

The web editor produces textual content with high added value for the reader on the digital medium, he must have a solid general culture and a pronounced curiosity, his spelling and syntax must be irreproachable. He will also have to comply with writing conventions relating to the web web writing requires creativity, rigor and consistency, but above all to be very picky, which is why he is both a writer and a computer scientist.
5. Traffic Manager

The traffic manager’s role is to generate traffic to a website or a physical site by deploying campaigns (advertising and others) on the Internet, his tasks are therefore specialized around targeting and internet conversion. He must have a perfect knowledge of web marketing and in particular know SEO, SAE, SEM, social networks. The traffic manager generally works within a digital marketing team in direct collaboration with the sales teams, but also with communication.
LocalHost Digital : Your Web & Digital Agency in Africa

The N°1 Digital Transformation Agency LocalHost Digital is at your disposal for all your projects. Our Digital Agency specializes in the Development and Integration of Digital Solutions for Companies (ERP, CRM, Commercial Management, Dedicated Solutions, etc.), the Creation of Professional Websites , the Development of Web and Mobile Applications , the Development of Business applications, Digital Marketing , as well as in Graphic Design and Practical Training in the various Digital professions . We are a Digital Transformation Company which stands out for its wide range of services and creative strategies, but above all for the quality of our achievements. We support and educate our customers so that they get the most out of the solutions we build with them.
We publish and integrate software solutions designed to simplify and optimize the management of specific businesses and activities:
- Business Management Software
- Stock Management Software / Warehouses
- School Management Software
- Hospital Management Software
- Hotel and Hostel Management Software
- Law Firm Management Software
- Sewing Salon Management Software
- Call Center Management Software
- Freight Business Management Software
- Whatsapp Bulk Messaging Software
- Restaurant Management Software
- Fleet Management Software
- ERP/CRM/HR/Project Management Software
- Medical Analysis Laboratories Management Software

Durrell NGOUANET DONGMO | Promoter of LocalHost Digital
Durrell NGOUANET is a young Engineer graduated from the National Polytechnic School of Yaoundé. Passionate about Digital Transformation and Specialist in Digital Solutions, He is attracted by the challenge and the resolution of business problems | An entrepreneur focused on the future, he is the Founder of the company LocalHost Group SARL and of the Training Center for Digital Professions LocalHost Academy | He is also the Founder of the Professional Social Network TheStarterbook , the Durrell Market e-commerce platform and many other digital initiatives.
Take advantage of the promotion to launch your professional website
We are specialists in the Creation of Professional Websites with several years of experience serving companies and individuals around the world. Consult our achievements by CLICKING HERE
Some Recent Achievements of LocalHost Digital: Best Web and Digital Agency in Cameroon

LocalHost Digital for the company UN Media

LocalHost Digital for the company PeexPay based in France

LocalHost Digital for L’institut d’Art Oratoire

LocalHost Digital for the company Ever Connect based in Ivory Coast

LocalHost Digital for the company Hachther, Online Payment Solution

LocalHost Digital for Gab’s Shop

LocalHost Digital for the company KTK Deals SARL

LocalHost Digital for the company Alibase based in Chad

LocalHost Digital for the company IDOLE
The best Business Management Software in Ivory Coast
You are in Ivory Coast, you do not have time to consult manuals of 200 pages to be able to publish an invoice? Are you overwhelmed by the 50 Excel sheets that manage your business activity? Do you need a simple, fast, efficient and secure tool to help you perform all the classic business management functions? Are you looking for the best Commercial Management Software in Ivory Coast for your activity?
We know exactly what you are going through. Some tasks like tracking sales, managing inventory, or creating quotes and invoices can be complex and time-consuming. This is why companies in Africa in General and in Côte d’Ivoire in particular are equipped with commercial management software, cash register software or simply point-of-sale management software, to save time and generate more sale.
What is business management software?
Commercial management software are specific tools of the ERP software type . Having a database, they ensure compatibility management while carrying out a variety of other tasks such as order management, commercial follow-up, customer relations, etc.
These computer products perform various actions. They store all customer and supplier information for future use. They generate purchase orders and delivery slips as well as invoices. Likewise, they control ongoing activities for customers and suppliers.
Commercial management software, sometimes called point-of-sale management software, is a definite asset for businesses in Côte d’Ivoire. Thanks to a constantly updated database, these tools facilitate accounting operations. Employees thus gain more time to take care of other tasks. Thanks to real-time monitoring, the software optimizes companies’ stock by scheduling replenishments.
Finally, they increase the company’s profitability. Tracking orders, invoices and payments makes them independent of the accounting department, without human intervention.
How to choose a business management software in Ivory Coast?
To correctly choose your business management software in Côte d’Ivoire, you must first determine the needs of the company and its team, as well as the available budget to be respected. A report of the functionalities sought can also facilitate the research work.
Sales team managers will have to be vigilant about the presence of features such as:
- Inter-compatibility with other company software, such as internal accounting software or the company’s CRM
- The number of users that the software will be able to accommodate
- The features supported by the software (quotes, purchase orders, customer portfolio, etc.)
- Access to dedicated software support, for efficient deployment of the tool
- The security of customer information stored in the software
- A complete customization of the tool, or a business orientation that makes sense for the job
- Access to responsive customer support
Also make sure that the software benefits from frequent security updates, and prefer a software publisher that stores data on secure servers. Finally, make sure that the software publisher is able to follow the developments and constraints related to local legislation in Côte d’Ivoire.
The best Commercial Management software in Ivory Coast
In Côte d’Ivoire, there are commercial management software allowing you to set up efficient commercial management at a lower cost.
Optisales – Best Cloud Business Management Software in Africa

Optisales is a management software allowing the commercial follow
-up of prospects and customers, the simple, dynamic and fully configurable generation of quotes, pro-formas, orders and invoices, integrating, at the heart of this system, a powerful monitoring of operations performed on company data. Optisales is the result of the experience of managers from various fields. Ideal for businesses of all sizes, this powerful yet easy-to-use software is a complete solution for managing your entire business activity. User-friendly and ergonomic, it is designed to save you time in managing your daily activity.
Some Key Optimal Software Features
- Invoicing and order processing
- Sales tracking and reporting
- Inventory and stock management
- Customer relations / CRM
- The creation of commercial documents: invoices, quotes, purchase orders, etc.
- Inventory of products or services: inventory, price tracking, etc.
- Management of suppliers and customers (delivery address; contact)
- Classic entry or by barcode
- Purchasing documents: Purchase order, delivery note, invoice and credit note
- Sales documents: Quote, delivery note, credit note and invoice
- Stock documents: Entry, exit and transfer between depots
- Choice of models for publishing sales documents
- Dashboard, sales charts…
- Commercial inquiry, articles, customers and suppliers
- Importing customers and items from another software
Some Benefits of Optisales Software Multi-Boutique ManagementRemote and real-time monitoringNo more Missing in your boxesEliminate Management ErrorsIncrease Your earnings with more traceability
- Master and retain your customers
Contact Us For a Free DemoMore details on the Optisales solution
Optisales is designed for your business
- Supermarkets
- Pharmacies
- Bookstores
- Restaurants
- Bakeries
- Shops of all types
- Warehouses
- All types of business activities

Innova Com is a simplified tool designed for the management of commercial operations. It allows you to administer your calendar in an optimal way. All the contacts of your customers or your prospects are archived there. You can easily contact them or arrange appointments. From the trades made, the software draws up a history to help you think about your trading strategies.
Afri Negoce

Afri Negace is a feature-rich and user-friendly business management software that combines customer relationship management, invoicing and project management. This all-in-one solution is designed to help small and medium-sized businesses organize their sales processes and workflows, communicate effectively and build stronger relationships with their customers, and increase the productivity and cooperation of their teams.
EBP Commercial Management

This software will allow you to edit your invoices and quotes with ease, to precisely manage the monitoring of your stocks and purchases, to optimally control your commercial chain. Powerful and ergonomic, be assisted by our commercial management tools adapted to Ivorian regulations.

Manageo is an online management software in the Cloud, intuitive, complete and fully modular according to your needs (CRM, commercial management, cash, stock, etc.) and the size of your company.
In conclusion
We have identified for you the best business management software in Côte d’Ivoire. We would like to affirm that this list is exhaustive. Do you have a specific need that comes to mind? Concerns on our list? Do not hesitate to leave us your opinion in the comment box below. To learn more, see the following articles
LocalHost Digital : Your Web & Digital Agency in Africa

The N°1 Digital Transformation Agency LocalHost Digital is at your disposal for all your projects. Our Digital Agency specializes in the Development and Integration of Digital Solutions for Companies (ERP, CRM, Commercial Management, Dedicated Solutions, etc.), the Creation of Professional Websites , the Development of Web and Mobile Applications , the Development of Business applications, Digital Marketing , as well as in Graphic Design and Practical Training in the various Digital professions . We are a Digital Transformation Company which stands out for its wide range of services and creative strategies, but above all for the quality of our achievements. We support and educate our customers so that they get the most out of the solutions we build with them.
We publish and integrate software solutions designed to simplify and optimize the management of specific businesses and activities:
- Business Management Software
- Stock Management Software / Warehouses
- School Management Software
- Hospital Management Software
- Hotel and Hostel Management Software
- Law Firm Management Software
- Sewing Salon Management Software
- Call Center Management Software
- Freight Business Management Software
- Whatsapp Bulk Messaging Software
- Restaurant Management Software
- Fleet Management Software
- ERP/CRM/HR/Project Management Software
- Medical Analysis Laboratories Management Software

Durrell NGOUANET DONGMO | Promoter of LocalHost Digital
Durrell NGOUANET is a young Engineer graduated from the National Polytechnic School of Yaoundé. Passionate about Digital Transformation and Specialist in Digital Solutions, He is attracted by the challenge and the resolution of business problems | An entrepreneur focused on the future, he is the Founder of the company LocalHost Group SARL and of the Training Center for Digital Professions LocalHost Academy | He is also the Founder of the Professional Social Network TheStarterbook , the Durrell Market e-commerce platform and many other digital initiatives.
Take advantage of the promotion to launch your professional website
We are specialists in the Creation of Professional Websites with several years of experience serving companies and individuals around the world. Consult our achievements by CLICKING HERE
Some Recent Achievements of LocalHost Digital: Best Web and Digital Agency in Cameroon

LocalHost Digital for the company UN Media

LocalHost Digital for the company PeexPay based in France

LocalHost Digital for L’institut d’Art Oratoire

LocalHost Digital for the company Ever Connect based in Ivory Coast

LocalHost Digital for the company Hachther, Online Payment Solution

LocalHost Digital for Gab’s Shop

LocalHost Digital for the company KTK Deals SARL

LocalHost Digital for the company Alibase based in Chad

LocalHost Digital for the company IDOLE
Using IT tools now makes it possible to optimally manage the company’s vehicle fleet. However, it is essential to choose the fleet management software that meets your needs and expectations. This is why establishing specifications appears essential. This makes it possible to determine the specific needs of the company and to go in the right direction.
The objective remains easier fleet management and optimized costs. fleet management software makes it possible to better manage a fleet of vehicles and simplify the task of the manager. Provided, however, that you choose your software carefully. Among the fleet software solutions offered to companies, some stand out for their functionalities, their adaptability but also for their cost. The selection below will make it easier for you to manage your company’s car rentals:
Fleet Management Software N°1: GAC TECHNOLOGY

This vehicle fleet software allows you to precisely manage your company’s fleet. GAC Car Fleet provides access to all information related to your employees’ vehicles and to control your budget. This 100% web-based fleet management solution is ideal for organizations with a fleet of at least 30 vehicles.
N°2 Fleet Management Software. ODOO CAR PARK

System to manage the entire fleet management process, its functionality is simple. This fleet management software, accessible online, is ideal for controlling the costs of a fleet of company vehicles. Detail and analysis of costs, human resources management, it has all the essential elements for good management of your fleet.
Fleet management software N°3. FLEET NOTE

It incorporates two interfaces with unique functionalities: a driver interface via a mobile application compatible with all smartphones (Android and Apple) and a company interface (dashboard). This vehicle fleet management software allows an exchange of information with your employees. The optimization of organization and costs is at the heart of the system. Intuitive and scalable, this car fleet management solution also allows you to set up alerts relating to drivers and their vehicles.

This fleet management software is suitable for all fleet sizes. The proposed functionalities allow an easier management of the park with a possible customization of the software. The various reports provided by the software allow you to better manage the vehicle fleet and optimize its organization and costs (vehicle location, report on engine data, management of your drivers’ behavior, optimization of routes to ensure better eco -driving, etc).

This fleet manager offers a detailed and complete analysis of the vehicle fleet. With its 11 modules, this fleet management software allows you to analyze and optimize the strategic and operational data of your fleet. It offers the opportunity to implement good management practices.
LocalHost Digital : Your Web & Digital Agency in Africa

The N°1 Digital Transformation Agency LocalHost Digital is at your disposal for all your projects. Our Digital Agency specializes in the Development and Integration of Digital Solutions for Companies (ERP, CRM, Commercial Management, Dedicated Solutions, etc.), the Creation of Professional Websites , the Development of Web and Mobile Applications , the Development of Business applications, Digital Marketing , as well as in Graphic Design and Practical Training in the various Digital professions . We are a Digital Transformation Company which stands out for its wide range of services and creative strategies, but above all for the quality of our achievements. We support and educate our customers so that they get the most out of the solutions we build with them.
We publish and integrate software solutions designed to simplify and optimize the management of specific businesses and activities:
- Business Management Software
- Stock Management Software / Warehouses
- School Management Software
- Hospital Management Software
- Hotel and Hostel Management Software
- Law Firm Management Software
- Sewing Salon Management Software
- Call Center Management Software
- Freight Business Management Software
- Whatsapp Bulk Messaging Software
- Restaurant Management Software
- Fleet Management Software
- ERP/CRM/HR/Project Management Software
- Medical Analysis Laboratories Management Software

Durrell NGOUANET DONGMO | Promoter of LocalHost Digital
Durrell NGOUANET is a young Engineer graduated from the National Polytechnic School of Yaoundé. Passionate about Digital Transformation and Specialist in Digital Solutions, He is attracted by the challenge and the resolution of business problems | An entrepreneur focused on the future, he is the Founder of the company LocalHost Group SARL and of the Training Center for Digital Professions LocalHost Academy | He is also the Founder of the Professional Social Network TheStarterbook , the Durrell Market e-commerce platform and many other digital initiatives.
Take advantage of the promotion to launch your professional website
We are specialists in the Creation of Professional Websites with several years of experience serving companies and individuals around the world. Consult our achievements by CLICKING HERE
Some Recent Achievements of LocalHost Digital: Best Web and Digital Agency in Cameroon

LocalHost Digital for the company UN Media

LocalHost Digital for the company PeexPay based in France

LocalHost Digital for L’institut d’Art Oratoire

LocalHost Digital for the company Ever Connect based in Ivory Coast

LocalHost Digital for the company Hachther, Online Payment Solution

LocalHost Digital for Gab’s Shop

LocalHost Digital for the company KTK Deals SARL

LocalHost Digital for the company Alibase based in Chad

LocalHost Digital for the company IDOLE